What a killer show this must have been. One of the final, if not THE final FALSE LIBERTY show, playing with Neurosis at what was one of their first shows, if not THE first show. Sadly, I was not there because I was 11 and lived 3000 miles away and was probably still watching MTV while I read comics and drew. I knew nothing of punk except for having heard Sex Pistols and The Ramones from my father. Anyway, False Liberty were a badass Seattle hardcore band in the vein of early DRI (a comparison someone makes after their first song on this tape). Greg from this band went on to Brotherhood, SunnO))), Goatsnake and a long list of others. Their demos are posted elsewhere on here, just follow the tags at the bottom of the post. And I'll have another live recording up at some point, I know there's at least one more in this magic mountain of tapes. - DH
FALSE LIBERTY - August 2nd, 1986 @ New Method, Emeryville, CA
ARTIFICIAL PEACE - September 21st, 1981 @ Wilson Center, Washington D.C.
The Future - Think For Yourself
Outside Looking In
Enlisted Man
World of Hate
Dead End
Wild Thing
Fixed Truth
Spook Surf (?)
Artificial Peace
Check this out. A live on-air set from NEUROSIS recorded on KALX in Berkeley in January of 1987. This was before the band has any records out, just the demo. It's full of those early "Pain Of Mind' era songs that would become the blueprints for the monster they would turn into over the next 30+ years. This is a primal and raging, and I assume drug fueled train, that feels like it's all about to come off the rails, and then they still manage to keep it together to be a sledgehammer to the skull. Their songwriting would become more refined, focused, apocalyptic, and crushing, but I love these early songs as well. Without these first steps, we wouldn't have the others. My suggestion si to smoke a joint and crank this loud if you love Neurosis like I do. Ok, enough fan-boying out, I gotta go smoke weed. - DH
NEUROSIS - January 25th, 1987 @ KALX, Berkeley, CA
Another badass MDC live clip, though sadly an incomplete one. MDC did a few dates in a row at this venue, but there was no info as to which one of those shows this was. Just know it's from October 1982 at this venue, it's one of 'em. Was the rest recorded? If so, I hope I can wind up with a copy to share. Enjoy this bit of MDC though! - DH
M.D.C. - October 1982 @ Royal Albert Hall, Winnipeg, Canada
Here's a short portion of the soundboard recording from EXODUS at the legendary "Day In The Dirt" show at Aquatic Park in Berkeley, CA. If you were there, you are a very lucky person, one of many shows I wish I could time travel to see myself. This is a pretty clean recording, I didn't do anything to it except perhaps a little volume adjustment. Was more than these 4 song played? And if so, whose got the whole set? How about the other bands? Share that shit yo! - DH
EXODUS - July 17th, 1984 @ Aquatic Park, Berkeley, CA