Friday, March 24, 2023

EXTREME NOISE TERROR - August 12th, 1986, Nacton, UK [AUDIENCE]

I get why people like well produced music, I like it to, especially the older I get, I appreciate the time and effort that goes into making a recording that packs the right punch, that captures the skill of the musicians and their subtle signatures in their playing, that has just that right balance of studio wizardry and live playing, and that sounds good on any system you play it on.  But dammit, I also just love that raw hurricane that is grindcore, that hyper mess of riffs and blastbeats, the unintelligible lyrics, and the rawer the better.  When I got into grindcore in the mid 90's, I loved those old basement shows, and demos from bands that seemed to be playing in their own basements around a single cheap microphone.  And while I get older and my tastes evolve, I still have room for hearing that feedback drenched tsunami played as loud as possible.

   So this old live recording of  EXTREME NOISE TERROR really hits the spot.  I don't know anything about the specific show at the time I'm posting this, perhaps someone will share a memory or any knowledge they have about it.  But it's short, it's fast, and it's pissed.  If that sounds good to you, then here ya go!   - DH

EXTREME NOISE TERROR - August 12th, 1986 Nacton, UK

Additional info:
 - Audience recording
 - Has occasional cuts
 - Transferred and EQ'd by DH



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