Saturday, April 30, 2022

THE BODY - January 14th, 2012 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA [SOUNDBOARD]

Hell yeah, today's post is a soundboard recording from THE BODY at 924 Gilman Street in 2012.  I've seen this band a whole lot, starting in Ohio in 2000 and then all over the Bay Area.  Sometimes they've been incredible.  Occasionally they've been a little "meh".  That happens when you've seen a band a lot, not all nights are winners. But I always appreciate the fact that just about every single night was different, this was a band that took chances and every time they came through I'd want to see them to see what they did next.  This was a night that to me as an audience member felt like a banger.  This was an incredible show from start to finish, and all were recorded, but the only ones that came out listenable was this set and the one from Brainoil, which I've already uploaded.  Swamp Witch, Negative Standards, and Thou also played, it's a shame the recordings came out completely unlistenable. Grateful this one came out though, as for as many times as I saw The Body, I never really recorded much live audio from them.  I did videotape them a handful of times, but this is a blog dedicated to audio recordings, so I'm glad to have at least one thing to contribute from these guys to this site.  Hopefully you folks dig it as well, enjoy!    - DH 

THE BODY - January 14th, 2012 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA



Additional info: 

 - Soundboard recording

 - Rebalanced in Izotope rx8 Advanced

 - Rebalanced and prepared by DH






Friday, April 29, 2022

OVERSOUL - 4 Song Demo

Here's one I really dig, a demo from a band I think is from Minneapolis, MN called OVERSOUL.  Going through Chris Dodge's tapes I came across this random demo and really liked it when I threw it in the player.  Going through more tapes I also came across a live soundboard recording that's also pretty killer, that features all these songs plus a few more.  I'll upload that at a later date.  For now, check out this tape.  It's of the metallic hardcore variety, and is absolutely a snapshot of the early 90's chunky midtempo-ish scene perfectly. I don't know anything else about this band, but if I get any info that's not in the comments below, I'll edit them in.    - DH

OVERSOUL - 4 Song Demo


01. Walk Point

02. Dig

03. Pariah

04. Weight Of The Load

Additional info:

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Wednesday, April 27, 2022

RIBZY - May 15th, 1988 @ Kennedy Park, Napa, CA [AUDIENCE]

Gonna keep this one real brief since it's the 2nd post of the day.  If you liked the demo I posted a few weeks back, then here's something more from RIBZY for ya!  This is a live set from Kennedy Park, in Napa, CA.  The show was with Stikky, their set was recorded and will be posted in the future.  This was recorded by someone in the audience, probably by Chris Dodge I'm guessing.  Well, if you like the demo, I hope you like this, and if you like this, please go follow the tags below and go check out the recording I posted!   - DH

RIBZY - May 15th, 1988 @ Kennedy Park, Napa, CA



Additional info:

 - Audience recording

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






DECLINE - "Slow" 1987 Demo

Here's one I hadn't heard before, a demo from a band called DECLINE, who come from Concord, CA.  The demo is called "Slow" and was recorded and released in 1987.  Sounds pretty decent, good production for the time and for a demo.  Not sure if they have anything else out, but if you like punk, perhaps you'll dig this as well.  - DH

DECLINE - "Slow" 1987 Demo


01. Ha!

02. Establishment

03. Lame Fat Guy

04. Xed From The Files

05. Mindless Sense

06. Something New

07. Crystal Shell

08. Out There

09. Vanna White's Butt

10. Tambourine Man (Bob Dylan cover)

11. Didn't Listen

12. You Can't Hide

13. Melba

Additional info:

 - Occasional dropouts

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Tuesday, April 26, 2022

VOMIT - April 11th, 1986 @ Ruthie's Inn, Berkeley, CA [SOUNDBOARD]

A few months ago I posted the 1986 rehearsal tape from VOMIT (follow the "Vomit" tags at the bottom of this post to find it), and today I have a short soundboard recording from Ruthie's Inn in Berkeley.  The mix is funky, as most are, and I tried to rebalance it in Izoptope as much as I could. Vocals are still a little loud.  But it's a pretty rare tape from an already very obscure bay area metal band, I'm glad it exists even with this mix.  Hope ya dig it too!   - DH

VOMIT - April 11th, 1986 @ Ruthie's Inn, Berkeley, CA



Additional Info:

 - Soundboard recording

 - Rebalanced in Izotope rx8 Advanced

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred and rebalanced by DH






Monday, April 25, 2022

INFERNO - 1984 Rehearsal

Today's post: a rehearsal recording of German punks INFERNO in 1984.  I know they have a lot of records out but I'd never checked them out until digitizing this tape.  Sounds decent enough.  If you like these guys, hopefully yo dig this as well, enjoy!    - DH

INFERNO - 1984 Rehearsal



Additional Info:

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Sunday, April 24, 2022

SINS OF THE FLESH - January 8th, 1988 @ The Place, Davis, CA [AUDIENCE]

Here's a not so great recording of a band I'm not so familiar with, SINS OF THE FLESH.  I know they were a fairly short-lived band from Sacramento, though they did manage to release an LP and a 7" in that time.  This was from a tape with two sets from this band, something I digitized a month or two ago and while I remember liking it, I can't remember anything specific that stood out about them. I plan to upload both sets, and figure I'll start with the worse of the two.  If I remember correctly this one had a lot of cuts between songs and is probably missing some based on the 14 minute run time.  This looks to be a tape that came to Chris Dodge via Shayne Stacy, so perhaps he knows more about it, and certainly would have an upgrade to the ones I'll post.  Thankfully he also curates the Sacramento Music Archive, click the link to check it out, and sub to his Youtube channel too!  Anyway, here's today's post, the next set from this band will be much better so keep an eye out if this sounds good to you.   - DH

SINS OF THE FLESH - January 8th, 1988 @ The Place, Davis, CA




Additional Info:

 - Incomplete audience recording

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Friday, April 22, 2022

KRETINS - 1985 Demo

Another band I know absolutely nothing about.  It's always fun to pop these in and see what the band and demo sounds like.  All I know is the band name, the year it was released, and the song titles. So this is pretty punk.  Maybe not the angry or fast kind of punk bands I usually dig, def not a hardcore kind of punk band, but more in the vein of snotty rock n roll.  I dig it.  Hopefully someone clues me in to what the band's back story is, I'm curious.  - DH

KRETINS - 1985 Demo


01. Blood On My Face

02. I Spit On Your Grave

03. House Of Was

04. Gimmicks

05. Carbona Not Glue

Additional Info:

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Thursday, April 21, 2022

MONARCH - November 5th, 2010 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA [SOUNDBOARD]

Damn, I love this recording, and the whole show was big gloomy fun.  This post is a set from the drone doom band MONARCH.  Very creeping and creepy slow heaviness.  Thankfully they rolled through when Gilman had a CDR writer hooked up the the soundboard, so I made sure the sets this night got recorded.  Turned out pretty well too.  So if you are familiar with this band, or the description sounds appealing, make sure to check this out!    - DH

MONARCH - November 5th, 2010 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA



Additional Info:

 - Soundboard recording

 - Rebalanced in Izotope rx8 Advanced

 - Rebalanced and prepared by DH






Wednesday, April 20, 2022


This is a personal favorite of mine, the 2012 demo from San Jose's DEADPRESSURE.  I was so stoked to get this and to see and play shows with this band.  And then to become friends with them.  There were a lot of newer bands poppin up in the Bay around this time, including mine, and we'd all play together and it really felt like this new cool wave was gonna be lit.  Sadly, it all fell apart rather quickly, most of the bands broke up, and a bunch of the folks involved in the bands don't really hang out anymore.  For a minute though it was wicked cool, and there were some great demos that popped out of that period, like this 5 minute belter.  Connoisseur, the band I'm in, did a split tape with Deadpressure, and they have a 7" or two I believe.  Too lazy to check my records, lol.  Their drummer Cris is now in Connoisseur, as well as a half dozen other bands like Socioclast, Hard Foul, and some others.  Anyhoo, smoke weed (it's 4/20 today breh) and play this fucker loud!     -DH



01. Pentagram Pizza

02. Read These Nikes

03. Osama's Prison Party

04. Frog Baseball

05. Lisoexia

06. I Wrote This Shit

07. Pantscrapper

Additional info:

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Monday, April 18, 2022

NERVE AGENTS - December 29th, 2000 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA [SOUNDBOARD]

I transferred this soundboard tape from NERVE AGENTS a month or tow ago, and really wish I'd made notes of what strain I was smoking while doing so, it must've been strong as hell if I thought this was worth uploading.  It's kind of a wild mix, especially in the beginning.  It does get better though.  Now, as to the performance, I can't speak about that.  I've never listened to the Nerve Agents, so I am completely unfamiliar with their music.  Seems wild and chaotic enough if you were there, that might not translate the same on tape, especially a soundboard.  But if you do like them, check it out and share your opinion on it. Thanks to Israel for loaning me this tape!    - DH

NERVE AGENTS - December 29th, 2000 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA



Additional info:

 - Soundboard audio

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Sunday, April 17, 2022

HADES - Demo

I don't know anything about this demo from HADES at all.  It's Japanese punk, likely from the early 90's, but with a name like that I can't really get any hits from the ol search engines.  Hopefully a friend will fill me in with any relevant info and I can repost it here.  So just take it for what it is, awesome Japanese hardcore punk.   - DH

HADES - Demo


01. Absurd

02. Humanity

03. Cry

04. Blind

Additional Info:

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Saturday, April 16, 2022

BRAINOIL - January 14th, 2012 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA [SOUNDBOARD]

Another show from 10 years ago but that felt like it took place just a couple years ago, a reminder about how fast time flies by.  This time I'm feeling old thanks to this set from BRAINOIL at 924 Gilman St.  This is a soundboard recording recorded to direct to CDR when Gilman had the disc writer for a bit.  Now Brainoil soundboards are quite rare as the band had so much gear and killer tone that not much of it would be piped through the PA, especially at Gilman, those guys could easily fill that room with volume from their amps.  No need to have a volunteer soundperson mess with that at all.  But I've tried a few times, and this was the best of any I'd tried to make.  I do recall I had to boost the guitars in Izotope but other than that this sounded pretty damn even.  It obviously doesn't sound anywhere near as good as their records, or seeing them in person, but these things never do.  It's just fun to look back and remember, or to hear something from bands we may have never saw live.  

So this was a show with Swamp Witch, Negative Standards, Thou, and The Body.  Did Brainoil headline?  I can't remember.  But it was a fantastic show from top to bottom.  All the bands were recorded, most came out awful and couldn't be salvaged in Izotope, but you'll see one more from this night posted here eventually.  Enjoy!    -DH

BRAINOIL - January 14th, 2012 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA



Additional info:

 - Soundboard recording

 - Rebelanced in Izotope rx8 Advanced

 - Prepared by DH






Friday, April 15, 2022

LIFE SENTENCE - July 25th, 1987 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA [SOUNDBOARD]

Not sure what the hell I was thinking uploading this set from LIFE SENTENCE.  They were a killer band, but this is a soundboard tape from 924 Gilman St in 1987, and that year was not a good year for soundboard recordings from this space due to equipment limitations.  There are times where this recording sounds good, and then something like the guitars will go from super quiet to super loud out of nowhere.   Oh well.  If you like Life Sentence you might be willing to put up with this, as there are tolerable sounding sections.  But I have better Life Sentence live recordings that I'll be uploading as well.   - DH

LIFE SENTENCE - July 25th, 1987 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA



Additional info:

 - Soundboard recording

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Rebalanced in Izotope rx8 Advanced

 - Transferred and rebalanced by DH






Wednesday, April 13, 2022

NOXIOUS - A Big Sack O' Jaweeah - Demo

I post a lot of bands who never got to release anything beyond a single demo tape, and sometimes those single demos are super badass and fun and yet have been completely overlooked.  This is one of those situations.  NOXIOUS were a band from my hometown of Rochester, NY, but they broke up just a couple years before I started going to see local shows nearly 30 years ago.  So they were mythical to me, I only ever heard stories about how drunk their vocalist Finny was at shows and recording.  He sounded like the drunkest man alive.  Legendary.   The band would later semi-reunite under the name Mungbeandemon with all new songs that sound like a continuation of what you can hear below.  I loved MBD but again, always wished I could have seen Noxious, or that I could find their tape.  Now after nearly 30 years I got one!  Thanks to Cheapo Blaine for sending me a small box of Rochester demos, most of which will wind up here, and one of the Big Hair tapes already has.   I'm very excited to have these tapes, and this Noxious tapes, as well as some demos I had back then that were lost over the decades.    So yeah, enjoy this weirdo Rochester band.  Do you like bands like Victim's Family?  NoMeansNo?  Plaid Retina or Schlong?  Not that they sound exactly like those bands but if they were here in the East Bay back then they would have been playing with those bands, and maybe would have even put out a record!    - DH

NOXIOUS - A Big Sack O' Jaweeah - Demo


01. Somewhat Normal People

02. Tautology

03. Picture Window

04. Eye In The Noyz

05. Gunther

06. Spliffs

07. What A Horrible Thing

08. Heuthordoyle

09. Implosion

10. Euphamism

Additional info:

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Tuesday, April 12, 2022

LIP CREAM - April 7th, 1990 Tokyo, Japan [AUDIENCE]

Today's post is from the rock n roll juggernaut that is LIP CREAM!  This is from a neat bootleg tape I was given a long time ago, probably something just done quickly and in low numbers and sold at a punk show or two.  I think I have this set on video, and more likely than not some copy of that video was probably the source for this tape, it looks like a VHS sourced audio based on the wav file.  Anyhoo, I wish it was better sounding, but figured it's Lip Cream, it's worthy of the upload for someone that needs just a bit more Japanese hardcore in their collection.  -  DH

LIP CREAM - April 7th, 1990 Tokyo, Japan



Additional Info:

 - Audience recording

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Monday, April 11, 2022

DICKIES - 1980 Cleveland, OH [SOUNDBOARD]

Today's upload is this short clip from the DICKIES, live in Cleveland, OH, in 1980.  No other info came on the tape, and sadly it is very very incomplete.  The sound quality on this is great, so hopefully someone out there has the complete set and shares it.  And does anyone know the exact date and venue?   - DH

DICKIES - 1980  Cleveland, OH



Additional info:

 - Incomplete soundboard recording

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Saturday, April 9, 2022

PIGMASTER - March 22nd, 1996 @ Water Street Music Hall, Rochester, NY [SOUNDBOARD]

This is another one for my Rochester, NY homies.  PIGMASTER was a very fun but short lived band from Rochester, NY.  They often times had some of the most ridiculous and most humorous live sets that I was seeing among the locals of the time, hell, even compared to the touring bands.  They just didn't take themselves seriously and I loved it.  Everyone was super grim and pissed and played metal and metal only and Pigmaster kinda shook things up for a couple years.  So here's a set I recorded from the soundboard at the Water Street Music Hall.  The soundguy missed a song or two in the beginning, and one at the end, but he still caught some gold.  This was a show with fellow Rochester bands Bughouse (who headlined) and Windbreed (who opened).  I also included an "encore" that all three bands did with an improv I've titled "Rockin' In Rochester".  It's dumb, but it ruled, and it's fun to listen to.  If you dare to be stupid, or are interested in Rochester bands, then perhaps you'll enjoy this.   - DH

PIGMASTER - March 22nd, 1996 @ Water Street Music Hall, Rochester, NY


Barry's Diner (cuts in)

Fuk Kitchen / Sweet Home Alabama

City Of Pigs

Al Beaman's A Jew

Booze For X-Mas

Mi Scapa La Pipi


 - encore - 

Rockin In Rochester Improv (with Bughouse & Windbreed)

Additional Info:

 - incomplete soundboard recording

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Friday, April 8, 2022

GBH - December 11th, 1982 Nottingham, UK [SOUNDBOARD]

I'm gonna keep this short because it's a busy day today for me, and because I don't really know a lot about this band.  Of course I am familiar with GBH, you can't like punk and have not come across this band, but I know some people really love them, and I just never connected with their music like that.  However, I have a set, and it sounds pretty damn good.  This is probably the most GBH I've ever listened to and perhaps this will be what cracks that nut wide open.  If you already like GBH, and haven't heard this, then I hope this is a good treat for ya.  No idea of the venue, if anyone knows, or has a flyer even, share in the comments!    - DH

GBH - December 11th, 1982 Nottingham, UK



Additional info:

 - Soundboard recording

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Thursday, April 7, 2022

7 SECONDS - Drastic Measures - 1980 Demo

As someone that considers themselves a fan of 7 SECONDS, I'm surprised I never heard this demo before.  What a banger.  I know nothing about this particular recording, but I know I dig it a lot and have played it several times since digitizing this, and will listen to it even more now that it's uploaded.  If you like 7 Seconds at all, this one is a must-have, so download this now!    - DH

7 SECONDS - Drastic Measures  - 1980 Demo


01. Wartime

02. A.N.A. In The U.S.A. (Anarchy-Nihilism-Anarchy)

03. Anti-Youth

04. Right To Fight

05. Death Trip

06. Police State (Live)

Additional info:

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Wednesday, April 6, 2022

MELVINS - 1984 Demos

This is an assortment of MELVINS songs simply titled on the tape as 1984 Demos.  No tracklisting or other info, just 1984 Demos.  These come from Dale Crover via Chris Dodge who likely got them when he was tape trading and was hanging with them in the late 80's.  It's very possible these have been cleaned up and released officially, and if so, obviously those should be what folks listen to.  I'm posting this just in case there are some songs that didn't get released, or in case someone wants to hear it in this true "demo" form, pre mastering and such.  Hopefully someone will come along and provide a track list, and if they do, I'll edit it in here and give them credit.  FOr now, I'm stoned, I'm gonna drink some coffee and listen to this.  If you are too, then cheers.  - DH

EDIT : Youtube commenter Jesus Covarrubius provided a tracklisting, for most of the songs at least, I added it below

MELVINS - 1984 Demos


01. Forgotten Principles

02. I Don't Know

03. Matt-Alec

04. The Real You

05. Snake Appeal

06. Flower Symbol

07. If You Get Bored (cuts)

08. ???

09. If You Get Bored

10. Set Me Straight

11. Matt-Alec (cuts)

12. The Real You

13. Snake Appeal

14. ???

15. If You Get Bored

Additional Info:

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Tuesday, April 5, 2022

NAMLAND - March 11th, 1990 Demo

Here's one I wasn't familiar with before hearing this, it's NAMLAND and their 1990 demo.  I was instantly drawn to the amazing cover art.  Crude drawing of a guy getting his head cut in half with a chainsaw?  Oh yeah, yer in for a good time!  

So this is a band from Illinois, part of the family of bands that includes Impulse Manslaughter, Eye Gouger, Resist, Smoldering Remains, and others.  It's low-fi grindy noise.  This would also be released on a 7", but this is a rip of the tape version.  I also have another version of this tape from one of the members and it's just noted as being a rehearsal, it has the same 5 songs in a different order and no samples and no artwork.  I'll upload that someday just for the sake of being complete.  So yeah, smoke weed, play it loud, it's youthful ignorant fun.  - DH

NAMLAND - March 11th, 1990 Demo


01. Dog Will Hunt

02. The Shame

03. Left's Request

04. Ash Wednesday

05. Corpses By The Mile

Additional Info:

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Monday, April 4, 2022

PHOBIA - January 3rd, 1998 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA [SOUNDBOARD]

Here's a PHOBIA set from Fiesta Grande #6 at 924 Gilman St.  It's a nice clear recording straight from Chris Dodge's own tape from the soundboard.  I am envious of anyone that saw these shows, I had to content myself with imagining them, sometimes finding videos of them in trade, seeing the flyers, etc, as I lived 3,000 miles away.  Legendary events though.  So yeah, here's one from a band who played these a couple times at least I think.  I'm not super familiar with the specific material they are playing, as I haven't listened to Phobia in quite a while now, so perhaps someone will comment about that.    - DH

PHOBIA - January 3rd, 1998 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA



Additional info:

 - Soundboard recording

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Sunday, April 3, 2022

NEUROSIS - March 19th, 1989 @ People's Park, Berkeley, CA [AUDIENCE]

This one is for the NEUROSIS completionists like me out there, we gotta hear everything even if it's awful just to be sure.  This is one of those times where it's not a good recording, but I know I'd want to hear it.  It's incomplete and the vocals are completely buried, none of it came through.  And it's just a tinny recording regardless, I didn't try shining it up at all seeing the issues it has right out the gate.  But still, it IS Neurosis, and a rare show at People's Park in Berkeley.  I have no info on the show and anyone else that played.  So if you like hearing Neurosis play some songs and have it sound like it's just an instrumental version, here ya go I guess.    - DH

NEUROSIS - March 19th, 1989 @ People's Park, Berkeley, CA



Additional Info:

 - Incomplete audience recording

 - Vocals are inaudible

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Saturday, April 2, 2022

BIG HAIR - "E-Ball" Demo 1990

BIG HAIR were from Rochester, NY, and never did a proper tour, so this will be an obscure upload for most folks paying attention to my bullshit over here.  To me though, these were the guys, when I first started going to local shows in my hometown, they were THE band to see.  Which wasn't often enough, as they seemed to mainly play 21+ bars and I was not the right age.  Had they come up out here where I live now in California, they would have been sharing stages with bands like Plaid Retina, Victim's Family, Schlong, Primus, NoMeansNo, etc.  

So I lost all the demos I had of this band during the wild ride that as the 90's.  Thanks to "Cheapo Blaine" for recently sending me a couple Big Hair tapes, along with a few other Rochester demos I'd lost or never had.  This was the first Big Hair demo, self recorded I think on a 4 track.  This was the original version of the band, pre-fiddle.  A great demo to smoke pot to.  

BIG HAIR - "E-Ball" Demo 1990


01. Jesus Sawhorse

02. Etude

03. Bookin Ant Meets Diggin Ant

04. Beady Hoe

05. Tom's Corner

06. One Big Hair

07. Snazzy Walter

08. Some Experts Say

09. Eat Yur God Damned Spinach

10. Will Sorts

11. Finny Monster

Additional info:

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH






Friday, April 1, 2022

MDC - December 29th, 1990 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA [SOUNDBOARD]

Today's post is an incomplete live soundboard recording from the mighty MDC at 924 Gilman St on December 29th, 1990.  I wish I had the whole set, but I'll gladly take what I can get and hope I come across the whole set later on down the line.  Also wish I had the full show.  Final Conflict played this night, as did Undertow from Washington.  If anyone has tapes of these, cough 'em up please!  Until then, jam this 8 or 9 minutes of MDC.  - DH

MDC - December 29th, 1990 @ 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA



Additional Info:

 - Incomplete soundboard recording

 - Azimuth adjusted

 - Transferred by DH




